Who is Edgar Chairez? Fighter involved in notorious FURY FC incident set to feature at UFC 290

Edgar Chairez is a flyweight fighter from Mexico, who is set to make his UFC debut this weekend against Tatsuro Taira. Chairez, nicknamed 'Pitbull', gained notoriety for his actions in the main event of Fury FC 76.

Edgar Chairez is a flyweight fighter from Mexico, who is set to make his UFC debut this weekend against Tatsuro Taira. Chairez, nicknamed 'Pitbull', gained notoriety for his actions in the main event of Fury FC 76.

Chairez faced Gianni Vazquez in the bout and found a fourth-round triangle choke submission. The referee Frank Collazo was oblivious to the fact that Vazquez went to sleep in the process. What's more, he only noticed that Vazquez regained consciousness and tapped out after Chairez transitioned to an armbar.

Edgar Chairez is currently riding a two-fight win streak and has an MMA record of 10-4.

Chairez's first attempt at fighting in the UFC was in 2022 on 'Dana White's Contender Series'. He lost his fight against Clayton Carpenter via unanimous decision and failed to secure a contract.

He last weighed in at 129 pounds in his Fury FC 76 fight against Vazquez. The Mexican fighter stands 5'7" (170 cm) and has a reach of 72 inches.

'Pitbull' has a 100% finishing rate in his career wins with four knockouts and six submissions. In his four career losses, Chairez has lost twice via decision and twice via submission.

Edgar Chairez trains out of Entram Gym in Tijuana, Mexico. The current flyweight king Brandon Moreno used to train out of Entram Gym, before switching to Fortis MMA to train with Sayif Saud in 2022.

Who is Edgar Chairez's UFC 290 opponent, Tatsuro Taira?

Edgar Chairez has his hands full as he attempts to forge a career in the UFC, with Tatsuro Taira as his debut opponent. Taira is an undefeated fighter with a 13-0 record with three fights in the UFC. The Naha, Okinawa native has seven career wins by submission, three by knockout and three via unanimous decision.

Taira made his promotional debut against Carlos Candelario at UFC Vegas 54. He won the fight via unanimous decision before finishing his next two opponents via submission.

At UFC Fight Night 212, the flyweight finished CJ Vergara via armbar in the second round. At UFC Fight Night 218, he finished Jesus Aguilar via first-round triangle armbar.

UFC 290 will be headlined by featherweight king Alexander Volkanovski versus the interim champion Yair Rodriguez. The co-main event will feature the flyweight champion Brandon Moreno as he looks to defend his title against Alexandre Pantoja.

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