The Top LED Face Masks for 2023 Reviews by Hollywood Life Hollywood Life

It hasn't been long since high-quality LED face masks became affordable to average consumers. But, even in this short time, we've seen a massive increase in their popularity and that graph is steadily going up. Every day, more and more people realize the benefits of these masks and how they can reinvigorate their skin without

It hasn't been long since high-quality LED face masks became affordable to average consumers. But, even in this short time, we've seen a massive increase in their popularity and that graph is steadily going up. Every day, more and more people realize the benefits of these masks and how they can reinvigorate their skin without using any chemical-based skin care products. 

However, despite their recent boom in popularity, there is still a lot of skepticism around these masks and whether they actually work as advertised or not. 

Do Led Face Masks Actually Work?

The short answer is yes, the modern LED face masks do work as advertised. The keyword to focus on here is "modern," as older consumer LED masks are the ones that gave them this bad rep in the public's eye. 

Old fakes

Light therapy is not a new process and has been used by professional dermatologists and aestheticians for a long time now. But, their professional-level equipment was too bulky, complicated, and expensive for the home market. But, there was still a lot of interest from people who wanted the benefits of light therapy while staying on their couch. 

This is where a lot of consumers' LED face masks first hit the market. But, most of them were completely fake and did not work at all, causing people to believe that the core idea of at-home light therapy is a fraud as a whole. 

Modern situation

Now we have the technology to actually provide light therapy in a portable mask, and the modern LED face masks are a result of that. 

How to Spot a Fake LED Face Mask

Even though the modern market is filled with LED face masks that actually work, there are still a large number of fakes mixed in with them. Luckily, sorting through these fakes is not as difficult as it might seem at first. All you have to do is look for these indicators.

Too good to be true pricing

Extremely low price is the first giveaway that an LED face mask is not real. Sure, there are many low-end LED masks out there that are cheaper than average rates and still work fine. But, these fake ones will be even cheaper than those low-end models. Remember, if the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. 

Too many benefits

LED face masks are not magic. They cannot cure every skin issue known to man in a single-use. However, this is exactly what the sellers of many fake LED masks think when they fill their product descriptions with way too many benefits. 

Ideally, each color of light should only be effective against one or at most two issues, and that is it. Any mask claiming to provide three or four unique benefits with each color is most certainly a fake and should be avoided at all costs.

Weird customer reviews

Customer reviews are the most powerful tool you have at your disposal when shopping online. Using them wisely will lead you away from scams. An LED mask with many negative reviews is a dead giveaway, but that's not all. Many fake mask sellers will do anything to make their product look genuine, and this includes fabricating five-star reviews. If a relatively unknown mask has all five-star reviews with very little substance behind them, then there is a good chance that those reviews are fake. 

How to Use an LED Face Mask

So, you sorted through the fakes and bought yourself a quality LED face mask, but you don't know how to use it? Well, here is a mini step-by-step guide of the right method

  • The first step is to prepare your skin for the process
  • Clean your face with a gentle, non-drying face wash
  • Do not apply any cream or skincare product after the cleanup
  • Plugin the LED face mask
  • Use its remote to dial in the right colors and intensity
  • Wear eye protection if necessary
  • Now wear the mask and let it stay for around 20-25 minutes
  • Remove the mask and clean it with disinfectant on the inside
  • Do not wash your face immediately after the light therapy

