Ozzy Osbourne says Bill Ward too 'overweight' for Black Sabbath gigs | Ozzy Osbourne

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This article is more than 10 years old

Ozzy Osbourne says Bill Ward too 'overweight' for Black Sabbath gigs

This article is more than 10 years old'He's already had two heart attacks. I don't want to be responsible for his life,' says Osbourne
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Ozzy Osbourne claims Bill Ward is too overweight to tour with Black Sabbath. Although a contractual dispute kept the drummer from participating in the band's recent comeback, Osbourne said he doesn't believe Ward could rejoin the band even if he wanted to.

"I don't think [Bill] could have done the gig, to be honest," Osbourne recently told the New York Daily News. "He's incredibly overweight. A drummer has to be in shape. He's already had two heart attacks. I don't want to be responsible for his life."

Osbourne had previously touched on Ward's problems during an interview with Mojo magazine. "He [is] so out of condition," Osbourne said. The singer recalled a rehearsal from when the Black Sabbath reunion was first proposed. "You know them yellow fucking stick-on memo notes? He had them all over his fucking drums … He couldn't remember what the fuck we were doing."

Bill Ward and Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath in 2011. Photograph: Chelsea Lauren/WireImage

Apparently, Black Sabbath were open to gigging with Ward, but suggested that the 65-year-old only play part of each set. Ward didn't agree: "I play all or nothing," he explained to Guitar International. "I'm the drummer in Black Sabbath so I want to do the entire show." He also denied he was out of shape: "I would never, ever show up for a commitment that I could not do physically."

Despite Osbourne's harsh comments, he insisted that "the door is always open" to Ward's return. "It's not the same [without him]."

Black Sabbath's first No 1 album in 43 years, 13, was released in June. They are currently on a North American tour.

